Comment replacer la résolution de problème ?
Compte-rendu du webinar sur le sujet "Comment replaçons-nous la résolution de problème au centre d’une organisation produit pour plus d’impact ?"
Growth is good, but remaining true to your values and increasing turnover at the same time is even better! Here are 7 tips for scaling your product organization!
To organize a product team effectively, one must define and share the strategy of the organization, in order to:
Once the product team’s objectives are clear, set up an organization that makes sense. This organization must take several parameters into account:
Depending on all of these, you can make a detailed plan to achieve the organization’s goal. This is tailor-made for the organization and inspired by existing models (feature team, impact team, component team), depending on the business, projects to be carried out and factors described above.
Once you’ve formalized your target product organization, identify the gap in your organization (underrepresented or even missing skills). To recruit effectively, you must first do the following::
Define your corporate culture to show how it is unique and make it more attractive to potential employees;
Define career paths for future employees;
When your product team is in place and starting to deliver, you are likely to be successful (and that's good!). But a new problem is emerging: how to scale your product team. It’s possible you’ll switch from having one team to several teams. The following issues then arise:
There are no ready-made answers to these problems – you have to study the divisions between teams, create a high level of collaboration, and find ways to make communications more fluid.
"Don't set everything in stone" is a recurrent theme in product organization! Allow yourself the flexibility and elasticity to develop your team as it pertains to your product, organization and market. To do this, encourage initiative within your teams while acting as a safeguard for overall consistency. These initiatives generate innovation, even at the organizational level!
Organizational transformation is a thorny subject: it impacts an employee’s position, career trajectory and ambition. It is therefore a job focused on “full-time change management”. Pedagogy, support, sharing, training are an integral part of success.
It should now be clear that there are no magic formulas or preconceived models to achieve a result. Achieving a successful product organization requires an emphasis on flexibility and effort.
Nous croyons en un nouveau modèle de consulting où l’excellence commence par l’écoute, le partage et une vraie vision